Nemaha County Agricultural Society
PO Box 388
Auburn NE 68305
The Nemaha County Agricultural Society Inc., a 501(c)5 not-for-profit public benefit corporation, is responsible for the operation of the annual Nemaha County Fair and the management of the Society’s facilities on the fairgrounds in Auburn, Nebraska.
Board of Directors –
President: Jason DeBuhr, Auburn 402 297-1231
Vice President: Randall Simon, Nemaha 274-8956
Secretary/Treasurer: Maxine Schatz, PO Box 388, Auburn NE 68305 Phone: (402) 297-7091
Mark Baltensperger
Gary Behrends, Johnson 402 868-4065
Josh Behrends, Johnson 402 274-8966
Dennis Blount, Brownville 274-5681
Linn DeBuhr, Auburn
Marty Hannaford, Brownville NE (402) 274-8742
Shelly Nichols, Auburn 274-9612
Nemaha County Agricultural Society (commonly called the Fair Board) is composed of all Nemaha County registered voters who are, as such, able to vote at the Annual Meeting held the 1st week of December at 7 pm at the 4H building on the fairgrounds. Anyone that is interested on being on the board may contact any board member to be put on the ballot. Terms are for 3 years. The board may appoint a person to fill any term that has a resignation.
Contacts for the County Fair:
Commercial Booths for Fair: Maxine Schatz email: or Phone : (402) 297-7091
Entertainment: Gary Behrends 402 274-1176; Jason DeBuhr 402 297-1231
Open Class Exhibits: Maxine Schatz 402 297-7091
Randall Simon– Open Class Livestock 402 274-8956
Parade entry:
4-H activities/programming: contact the UNL Extension Office/Nemaha County Courthouse @ 402 274-4755
FFA activities: Brooke Wehrbein (Auburn FFA), Ashton Bohling & Dawn Metschke ( Johnson Brock FFA)